Book Speaker Brother Tuaha Ibn Jalil

Tauha Ibn Jalil Youth Club

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Brother Tuaha Ibn Jalil did his Majors in Human Resource Management from Szabist. He is a Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Life coach. A naturally gifted orator, motivational speaker, and trainer, Brother Tuaha is currently working as the Country Head at Youth Club Trust. Tuaha Ibn Jalil has been invited to TedX, CSS Academy, Tech conferences, NUST, and many others. He has also conducted numerous training workshops, including training for PhD professors.

Tuaha ibn Jalil

Being one of the leading trainers in Pakistan, his work for religion has not stopped him from being a bike enthusiast, polo player, and cliff diver. His passion for fulfilling his vision has made him love Mondays and hate Saturdays.

Book speaker Tuaha Ibn Jalil from Youth Club for dawah sessions, schools/universities. Book a Speaker link:

5 thoughts on “Book Speaker Brother Tuaha Ibn Jalil”

  1. Pingback: Biography Tuaha Ibn Jalil - Ask Tuaha Ibn Jalil - Dar Ul Andlus

  2. Hanafi maslak has its own fitwa or ijma on the issue of pronouncing three talaq in one sitting. To them, such talaq becomes absolute. Whereas ahle hadith do not agree to it. My question Is there any fitwa by the hanagi ulama that tripple talaq does not occur if given in one sitting and that husband can revert to his wife? Thanks

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